
Contribution 1: Constraining Paleo- to Mesoarchean petrogenetic processes using geochemical modeling and Sm-Nd geochronology of volcanic rocks in the greenstone belts of the Singhbhum craton.

We described that Paeloarchean Earth broadly evolved in a density driven vertical tectonic regime and greenstone belts volcanism resulted by plume with ambient mantle interaction and subsequent assimilation-fractional crystallization (AFC) process in the crustal magma chambers at Moho depth in the absence of subcontinental lithospheric mantle (SCLM). Interestingly plume signature is absent from Mesoarchean greenstone belts in Singhbhum craton and geochemical results show that SCLM has started forming onwards. These models and ages of the volcanics often cited by later studies to explain Archean crustal evolution from the Singhbhum and North China cratons (Hofmann et al.,2022; De et al., 2022; Mitra et al., 2022; Paul et al., 2023; Gond et al., 2023; Jodder et al., 2023; Asokan et al., 2023; Mukherjee et al., 2024; Manikyamba et al., 2024; Xuan et al., 2024; Gumsley et al., 2024, Wright and Basu, 2024), Archean surface processes (Mazumder et al., 2022), fractionation of platinum group of elements during metamorphism of Archean komatiitic chromite (Banerjee et al.,2022), alteration patterns in accessory chromites (Banerjee et al., 2023), mobilization of Tungsten in greenstone belts of Kaapvaal and Singhbhum cratons (Messling et al., 2023), overview of ore genesis in Singhbhum craton (Ghosh, 2022), Neoarchean tectonothermal events in Bastar craton (Nandi et al.,2023), Archean load gold mineralization (Das et al., 2022).

Contribution 2: Petrogenetic processes of the Neoarchean dykes and coeval volcanics in the Singhbhum craton, constraints from the geochemical modeling, Sr isotopic composition and Sm-Nd geochronology.

We explained a new petrogenetic model of the oldest mafic dykes and coeval unmetamorphsed volcanics by correlating their magmatic and post-magmatic history. Their enriched geochemical patterns are inconsistent with their intra-cratonic extensional setting. Our model shows that interaction of enriched-DMM derived magma with metasomatized SCLM produced the primitive
hybrid magma which ponded at crustal chamber and underwent AFC before the intrusion of the dykes and coeval volcanic eruption. Subsequent several studies on dykes from the Singhbhum, Bastar and North China cratons utilized our model and often cited this article to describe the genesis and tectonic settings (Chaudhuri et al., 2022; Kumar et al., 2022; Manu Prasanth et al., 2023; Panda et al., 2023;Cheng et al., 2024, Mukherjee et al., 2024) and Archean crustal evolution (Singh et al., 2022; Paul etal., 2023; Manikyamba et al., 2024). Trace element and radiogenic isotope data were generated during my doctoral program have been used by Asokan et al. (2022) and Manu Prasanth et al. (2022).Age of the Jagannathpur volcanics has been cited in several studies on Western Iron Ore Group(Wright and Basu, 2024) and youngest Pipilia dyke swarm (Dey and Manda, 2022) in Singhbhum
craton. In this study first time we have reported the presence of primary spinel and olivine in contact with primary phlogopite in oldest dyke swarms in Singhbhum craton indicating partial presence of water in mantle source that is cited by Ojha et al. (2024).

Contribution 3: Convergence of the Eastern Dharwar and Bastar cratons resulted in exhumation of mid-crustal granulite enclaves in response to the late Paleoproterozoic Orogeny in Peninsular India.

A petrochronological constraints on the late Paleoproterozoic Bhopalpatnam granulite belt and mid-crustal Karimnagar granulite enclave deciphering the convergence history between the Eastern Dharwar and Bastar cratons, which was crucial for modeling their geodynamic development of the Orogeny. Later researchs have employed our models to explain Neoarchean and Proterozoic crustal growth and reworking in Bastar craton (Dora et al., 2021), Neoproterozoic accretion in west-central India (Banerjee et al., 2022), Neoarchean-Paleoproterozoic high pressure – high temperature metamorphism in Bhopalpatnam granulite belts in the Bastar craton (Singh et al., 2022). Bhowmick etal. (2024) used these models to explain the Proterozoic mobile-belts magmatism metamorphism and tectonism in the context of formation of the greater Indian landmass. Bhowmick et al. (2024) used these models to explain the Proterozoic mobile-belts magmatism metamorphism and tectonism in the context of formation of the greater Indian landmass.